IC Design Flow

IC Design FlowIC Design Flow
  1. This thesis gives the full IC design flow .


  2. Following digital IC design flow , we solve some critical problems in the research and development of decoder chip and give some advisement of the next work .


  3. In this paper , a TCL language-based system framework for the automated environment of IC design flow is introduced and its implementation method detailed . With the framework , IC designers can easily customize various types of automatic IC design flow and shorten their design cycles .


  4. This approach merges the transistor level adjustment and optimization into the entire IC physical design flow according to a novel reconfigurable standard cell frame .


  5. With the increasing scale of integrated circuit ( IC ) and the development of three-dimensional integration technology , thermal analysis becomes an important part in IC design flow .


  6. Because automation degree of analog IC design is far from that of digital IC design , analog design depends on the intelligence much more , which makes analog IC design flow and IP design technology face more challenges .
